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Peto Coast 合集离线下载

发表于 2012-5-25 03:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

均可离线 片源未分 可能有部分重复 但文件大小画质不一样 有些事分割出来的片段  图片仅供参考  
爱好Peto Coast 就下吧

Peto coast 出生在荷兰,1983年出生的他在差不多2007年开始了他们GV生涯(据说之前是在时装界,因为拍片钱真的比较多!),一开始在Machofucker
and Cazzo 公司拍片了!一开始以CAZZO 公司的Notgeil,Pizza Cazzone试水温,Peto以野兽般的表演风格闻名!充满攻击型的Top角色在欧洲地区的片子都有着不错的市场,法国的无套公司Eric Video也有Peto的足迹!他的另一个特点就是喜好“无套”的表演风格!

Island Media )非常吃香!!2010年接的三部重口大片都表现的非常出色!极端暴走的强暴风格,加上9寸的粗大抽插!令每个做过Bottom的都为之折腰!
金银岛三部作品 Full Tilt (2010) Wild Breed (2010) Fuck Break (2010)


(2010 無套 )Treasure Island Media - WILD BREED

Wild Breed - Treasure Island Media.avi (707.45 MB)

Full Tilt (2010)下载地址:
Treasure Island Media - Full Tilt (2010).AVI (1.15 GB)

TIM IN THE FLESH (無套) 下载地址

Treasure Island Media - In The Flesh (2011).avi (1.37 GB)

期间在法国无套公司Eric videos也有惊人的演出!其中这三段穿刺表演是大家最为熟知的!9寸巨勿残暴的抽插!!令人不禁为Bottom感到兴奋又忐忑!!
1. Jérémy gets seeded by Peto Coast the Machofucker XXL 6


Eric Videos - Peto Coast Machofucker XXL fucks Jeremy.mp4 (402.6 MB)
2.Plowed and loaded by Peto Coast XXL 6

Plowed and loaded by Peto Coast XXL 6

[EricVideos] Plowed and loaded by Peto Coast XXb.AVI (265.63 MB)

3.Plowed and seeded by Peto Coast and his buddy Joe 5


EricVideos - Plowed and seeded by Peto Coast and his buddy Joe.mp4 (588.77 MB)

Peto持续的拍摄新片,虽然大部分片子都属于冷门无套公司短片作品,但是在大公司Lucas Entertainment也出现过一部重口作品"URINE FIST FEST" 此片也上演尿意和拳爱!!

URINE FIST FEST - Aaron Mark and Peto Coast


Lucas Entertainment - Aaron Mark & Peto Coast - Urine Fist Fest.mp4 (236.87 MB)

目前Peto住在Brussels(比利时首都) ,欧洲一个美丽的城市!并继续在欧洲拍摄GV

Machofucker - Dreams (milan gamiani e Peto Coast)

看看milan gamiani怎么被折磨的吧!!表情就知道了~~
Download :
milan gamiani - Machofucker - Dreams (milan gamiani e Peto Coast).mpg (196 MB)

[emule]MACHOFUCKER Peto Coast Maniac Fucker fucks Milan Gamian[20min]0.331G.avi (331.79 MB)[/emule]

MACHOFUCKER Peto Coast Maniac Fucker fucks Milan Gamian[20min]0.331G.avi (331.79 MB)

[emule]Gay - Dark Alley - Dirty Raw Whores (Hardcore Directors cut)[Peto Coast, Kid Chocolate, MiguelFist] - Leather Lords Super.avi (2.03 GB)[/emule]
Gay - Dark Alley - Dirty Raw Whores (Hardcore Directors cut)[Peto Coast, Kid Chocolate, MiguelFist] - Leather Lords Super.avi (2.03 GB)

[emule]machofucker PlantaRosa - Impaled (2010) Haiti Monster.Igor vs Ben.The Dominican Stud Raw Barcelona Peto Coast.El Tigre.avi (1.96 GB)[/emule]
machofucker PlantaRosa - Impaled (2010) Haiti Monster.Igor vs Ben.The Dominican Stud Raw Barcelona Peto Coast.El Tigre.avi (1.96 GB)

[emule]Jalif - Kings Of Piss 2 (2009) Aitor Crash,Alex Arcanjo,Angel Hierro,Cristian Torrent,Fran Reyes,Javier Alcazar,Joe Groc,Manu Perro Nash,Marcel Hoffman,Nicos Casanova,Peto Coast,Tom Louis,Turbo Leon,Yenier.avi (1.83 GB)[/emule]
Jalif - Kings Of Piss 2 (2009) Aitor Crash,Alex Arcanjo,Angel Hierro,Cristian Torrent,Fran Reyes,Javier Alcazar,Joe Groc,Manu Perro Nash,Marcel Hoffman,Nicos Casanova,Peto Coast,Tom Louis,Turbo Leon,Yenier.avi (1.83 GB)

[emule]Spritzz - Bolzplatz (Brice Farmer,Moskito,Peto Coast,Jaden Idol,Timo,Steve,Chris Forny,Michael Finn,Daniel Dix,Jake Corwin).avi (1.65 GB)[/emule]
Spritzz - Bolzplatz (Brice Farmer,Moskito,Peto Coast,Jaden Idol,Timo,Steve,Chris Forny,Michael Finn,Daniel Dix,Jake Corwin).avi (1.65 GB)

[emule]Tim -Full Tilt (2010) Peto Coast, Lucky Joe, Darren Hawke, Jack Lewis, Ross Fuller, Brent Bow, Paul Mann, Ed Gunn, Max Schneider, Anton Dickson, Jason Stormme, Nikos, Marc Dann, Bruce, Frank Klein, Zack Elias.wmv (1.54 GB)[/emule]
Tim -Full Tilt (2010) Peto Coast, Lucky Joe, Darren Hawke, Jack Lewis, Ross Fuller, Brent Bow, Paul Mann, Ed Gunn, Max Schneider, Anton Dickson, Jason Stormme, Nikos, Marc Dann, Bruce, Frank Klein, Zack Elias.wmv (1.54 GB)

[emule]Cazzo - Pizza Cazzone - Thierry Lamasse.Tim Kruger.Marco Blaze.Angel Tyessen.Christoph Scharff.Jean Franko.Jenson Lomax.Peto Coast.Matt Hughes.avi (1.52 GB)[/emule]
Cazzo - Pizza Cazzone - Thierry Lamasse.Tim Kruger.Marco Blaze.Angel Tyessen.Christoph Scharff.Jean Franko.Jenson Lomax.Peto Coast.Matt Hughes.avi (1.52 GB)

[emule]Dark Alley Media (2011) - Bareback Gut Fuckers-Austin Shadow, Champ Robinson, Charly, Danny Fox, Dimitri Santiago, Ian Jay, Jayson Park, Kid Chocolate, Marcel Hoffman, Marco Cruise, Miguel Fresno, Owen Hawk, Paris, Peto Coast.avi (1.45 GB)[/emule]
Dark Alley Media (2011) - Bareback Gut Fuckers-Austin Shadow, Champ Robinson, Charly, Danny Fox, Dimitri Santiago, Ian Jay, Jayson Park, Kid Chocolate, Marcel Hoffman, Marco Cruise, Miguel Fresno, Owen Hawk, Paris, Peto Coast.avi (1.45 GB)

[emule]Macho Fucker - XL Cocks Fuck Deeper {bb} (Igor f Ben; Black Jack f Pito {ir}; Russian Daddy f Karel (Brutal Fuck); Mr Marky f Casper {ir}cia}; Peto Coast f Casper; Jamaica Steel 2 f Osian {coa}).avi (1.41 GB)[/emule]
Macho Fucker - XL Cocks Fuck Deeper {bb} (Igor f Ben; Black Jack f Pito {ir}; Russian Daddy f Karel (Brutal Fuck); Mr Marky f Casper {ir}cia}; Peto Coast f Casper; Jamaica Steel 2 f Osian {coa}).avi (1.41 GB)

[emule]Citebeur - Lascars En Force (Peto Coast).avi (1.37 GB)[/emule]
Citebeur - Lascars En Force (Peto Coast).avi (1.37 GB)

[emule]Spritzz - Sneaker Sex VI - Cop Control(Peto Coast).avi (1.34 GB)[/emule]
Spritzz - Sneaker Sex VI - Cop Control(Peto Coast).avi (1.34 GB)


[emule]Cazzo - Sommerloch - Country Cocks (Fred Faurtin, Dominik Belko, Peto Coast, Toby Park, Lucio Saints, Edward Fox, David Castan, Ben Statham, Kai Cruz, Moran Stern).avi (1.27 GB)[/emule]
Cazzo - Sommerloch - Country Cocks (Fred Faurtin, Dominik Belko, Peto Coast, Toby Park, Lucio Saints, Edward Fox, David Castan, Ben Statham, Kai Cruz, Moran Stern).avi (1.27 GB)

[emule]Citebeur - Dark Cruising 3 - Peto Coast.avi (1.23 GB)[/emule]
Citebeur - Dark Cruising 3 - Peto Coast.avi (1.23 GB)

[emule]Wurstfilm - Freaks 4 - Marcel Hoffman, Matteo Locati, Michael Beck, Nils Jacobsen, Peto Coast, Rick Cummer, Rod Painter, Steph Bobson, Tommy.avi (1.19 GB)[/emule]
Wurstfilm - Freaks 4 - Marcel Hoffman, Matteo Locati, Michael Beck, Nils Jacobsen, Peto Coast, Rick Cummer, Rod Painter, Steph Bobson, Tommy.avi (1.19 GB)


[emule]Gay BB - Treasure Island Media - Full Tilt (2010) Peto Coast [double fuck, fist].AVI (1.15 GB)[/emule]
Gay BB - Treasure Island Media - Full Tilt (2010) Peto Coast [double fuck, fist].AVI (1.15 GB)

[emule]PETO COAST WORK.avi (1.07 GB)[/emule]

[emule]FREAKS 5 (Peto Coast Bareback).avi (1.07 GB)[/emule]
FREAKS 5 (Peto Coast Bareback).avi (1.07 GB)

[emule]Wurstfilm - Open Season {Bb} (Peto Coast,Leeroy,Marcantonio,Pille,Rod Painter,Magnus,Slotmachine, Steph Bobson, Rick Cummer, Jasper Emerald,Boyd Samson,Bob,Cristian Torrent,Daniel Dixxx,Jake Corwin).avi (1.01 GB)[/emule]
Wurstfilm - Open Season {Bb} (Peto Coast,Leeroy,Marcantonio,Pille,Rod Painter,Magnus,Slotmachine, Steph Bobson, Rick Cummer, Jasper Emerald,Boyd Samson,Bob,Cristian Torrent,Daniel Dixxx,Jake Corwin).avi (1.01 GB)

[emule]Cazzo - Not Geil (David Castan, Ben Taylor, Marco Blaze, Yennier , Ivan Daniloff, Frank Phillip, Nicolas Torri, Peto Coast, Jordan Fox).avi (955.49 MB)[/emule]
Cazzo - Not Geil (David Castan, Ben Taylor, Marco Blaze, Yennier , Ivan Daniloff, Frank Phillip, Nicolas Torri, Peto Coast, Jordan Fox).avi (955.49 MB)


[emule]!Cazzofilm - Deep (Peto Coast).avi (799.83 MB)[/emule]
!Cazzofilm - Deep (Peto Coast).avi (799.83 MB)

[emule]Bareback - Treasure Island Media - Wild Breed (Peto Coast,Ben Statham,Myles Bentley,Vince Walker,Nikos,Toby Hampton,Ozzie Will,Kevin Mann,Rick Fernandi,etc).avi (778.8 MB)[/emule]
Bareback - Treasure Island Media - Wild Breed (Peto Coast,Ben Statham,Myles Bentley,Vince Walker,Nikos,Toby Hampton,Ozzie Will,Kevin Mann,Rick Fernandi,etc).avi (778.8 MB)

[emule]Treasure Island - Wild Breed {bb} (Peto Coast, Ben Statham, David Daniels, Vince Walker, Myles Bentley, Rio, Seb, Jasper, Nikos, Darren, Luke, Toby Hampton, Anton Dickson, Wade, Kevin Mann, Rick Fernandi, Ozzy Will).avi (702.61 MB)[/emule]
Treasure Island - Wild Breed {bb} (Peto Coast, Ben Statham, David Daniels, Vince Walker, Myles Bentley, Rio, Seb, Jasper, Nikos, Darren, Luke, Toby Hampton, Anton Dickson, Wade, Kevin Mann, Rick Fernandi, Ozzy Will).avi (702.61 MB)

[emule]EricVideos_-_Nathan_gets_plowed_by_Peto_Coast.mpg (659.49 MB)[/emule]
EricVideos_-_Nathan_gets_plowed_by_Peto_Coast.mpg (659.49 MB)

[emule]Wurstfilm - U-Bahn Fister (2007) Frank Philipp, Adrian Marko, Amilcare, Bob, Luis Endres, Matthieu Paris, Lupus, Peto Coast.avi (646.6 MB)[/emule]
Wurstfilm - U-Bahn Fister (2007) Frank Philipp, Adrian Marko, Amilcare, Bob, Luis Endres, Matthieu Paris, Lupus, Peto Coast.avi (646.6 MB)

[emule]EricVideos - Plowed and seeded by Peto Coast and his buddy Joe.mp4 (588.77 MB)[/emule]
EricVideos - Plowed and seeded by Peto Coast and his buddy Joe.mp4 (588.77 MB)

[emule]Eric Videos - Cristiano, Dam Esco, Matt, Peto Coast and Jeremy.avi (445.42 MB)[/emule]
Eric Videos - Cristiano, Dam Esco, Matt, Peto Coast and Jeremy.avi (445.42 MB)

[emule]Ericvideos - Marco Plowed by Peto Coast.mp4 (444.13 MB)[/emule]
Ericvideos - Marco Plowed by Peto Coast.mp4 (444.13 MB)

[emule]Ericvideos - Enzo gets plowed and filled up by Peto Coast XXL.wmv (436.68 MB)[/emule]
Ericvideos - Enzo gets plowed and filled up by Peto Coast XXL.wmv (436.68 MB)

[emule]Eric Videos - Peto Coast Machofucker XXL fucks Jeremy.mp4 (402.6 MB)[/emule]
Eric Videos - Peto Coast Machofucker XXL fucks Jeremy.mp4 (402.6 MB)

[emule]Ericvideos - Peto Coast, Edward Fox & Lucio Saints.avi (351.75 MB)[/emule]
Ericvideos - Peto Coast, Edward Fox & Lucio Saints.avi (351.75 MB)

[emule]Macho Fucker - Peto Coast & Milan Gamiani.avi (331.79 MB)[/emule]
Macho Fucker - Peto Coast & Milan Gamiani.avi (331.79 MB)

[emule]Eric Videos - Plowed and loaded by Peto Coast XXL.avi (293.05 MB)[/emule]
Eric Videos - Plowed and loaded by Peto Coast XXL.avi (293.05 MB)

[emule][EricVideos] Plowed and loaded by Peto Coast XXb.AVI (265.63 MB)[/emule]
[EricVideos] Plowed and loaded by Peto Coast XXb.AVI (265.63 MB)

[emule]Lucas Entertainment - Aaron Mark & Peto Coast - Urine Fist Fest.mp4 (236.87 MB)[/emule]
Lucas Entertainment - Aaron Mark & Peto Coast - Urine Fist Fest.mp4 (236.87 MB)

[emule]milan gamiani - Machofucker - Dreams (milan gamiani e Peto Coast).mpg (196 MB)[/emule]
milan gamiani - Machofucker - Dreams (milan gamiani e Peto Coast).mpg (196 MB)

[emule]Timfuck, 2012 - Peto Coast & Adam Pearce - Gay Bareback Cum-Eating.wmv (185.4 MB)[/emule]
Timfuck, 2012 - Peto Coast & Adam Pearce - Gay Bareback Cum-Eating.wmv (185.4 MB)

[emule]MachoFucker - More Banging (Peto Coast tops german slut Marcel) (10-2008).mpg (166.59 MB)[/emule]
MachoFucker - More Banging (Peto Coast tops german slut Marcel) (10-2008).mpg (166.59 MB)


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发表于 2012-5-25 03:15 | 显示全部楼层
very very good
发表于 2012-5-25 03:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-5-25 06:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-5-25 06:35 | 显示全部楼层
非常感谢楼主 我超喜欢他 我在收集他的片子
发表于 2012-5-25 07:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-5-25 08:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-5-25 09:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-5-25 12:17 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2012-5-25 12:19 | 显示全部楼层


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